Aktion Club
This is a community service club organized for adults with disabilities & is sponsored by Lewistown Kiwanis Club. The mission of this group is to develop leadership skills within its membership, have fun together & to volunteer regularly in our community.

Teen Club
This program offers an opportunity for young people ages 14 through 21 in Mifflin & Juniata Counties to meet once a month throughout the school year & to come together with their peers to socialize and have fun doing things every teen wants to do. For those interested, there is also Venturing Program in cooperation with the local Boy Scout Council.

Adult Recreation
This is a fun time for adults to meet once a month in each county. We serve Mifflin & Juniata Counties. Group activities provide a time for socialization, games & many other activities.

Recreation Programs
Compass Community Connections provides many recreational opportunities for individuals of all ages. T-ball organizes teams in mid-spring & runs through early summer. Additionally, a Challenger little league
program is offered in cooperation with Mifflin County Youth baseball.
For More Information on Clubs and Recreational Programs;
Please contact Compass Community Connections
Office Manager: Val Bunch
Email: vbunch@compass-community.org
Phone: 717-447-1841